Albany, NY - Sept. 26, 2018 - Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today proclaimed September 26 School Breakfast Day in New York. As part of the FY 2019 budget, New York enacted legislation to help tackle the problem of hunger in the classroom through new programs including requiring high poverty schools to serve breakfast after the school day begins so healthy options are available for all students. Today's proclamation raises awareness about New York's efforts to combat childhood hunger and the importance of school breakfast programs.
"No child should ever have to worry when their next meal will come, and the first annual School Breakfast day highlights the importance of a healthy, balanced meal in a child's life," Governor Cuomo said. "By providing New York children with a well-rounded meal to start their school day, we are helping them stay focused and energized to learn and succeed."
The text of the proclamation is available here.
"Today marks the first official School Breakfast Day in New York, highlighting the importance of providing breakfast for students in schools," said Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul. "As part of our No Student Goes Hungry Program, we're making sure that schools have the resources they need to provide students with a delicious and nutritious meal so they can perform their best in the classroom. All students should have access to a healthy breakfast to ensure their growth and success."
School Breakfast is important because child hunger is often associated with lower grades, higher rates of absenteeism, repeating a grade, and an inability to focus among students, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For many children, the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program offer the best opportunity to receive a regular nutritious meal throughout the week.
Governor Cuomo's No Student Goes Hungry program includes sweeping initiatives to provide students of all ages, backgrounds and financial situations access to healthy, locally-sourced meals to address child hunger. By launching the program, the State will provide students in need with locally-grown, quality meals, which will support an improved learning experience for children of all ages.
The program:
- Bans meal shaming, a practice in some schools where children may be singled out, provided a lesser meal, or otherwise treated differently for not having money for a meal
- Supports breakfast after the bell to make breakfast accessible for students after the school day has begun
- Expands the Farm to School Program
- Incentivizes the use of farm-fresh, locally grown foods in schools
- Requires food pantries on all SUNY and CUNY campuses