Mangano Encourages Residents To Participate In Long Island VisionWalk

Supporting the Foundation Fighting Blindness.

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Wantagh, NY - September 29, 2014 - Nassau County Executive Mangano invites residents to join the Foundation Fighting Blindness at the 8th Annual Long Island VisionWalk on Saturday, October 11th, 2014 at Jones Beach State Park. The VisionWalk is the signature walk-a-thon style event that has raised over $33 million nationally to help stop blinding retinal diseases. The Foundation is the largest nongovernmental, nonprofit organization worldwide spearheading the research to find cures, treatments, and preventions for all retinal diseases that lead to blindness.

The Foundation Fighting Blindness was established in 1971 by a passionate group of individuals driven to overcome blinding eye diseases that were affecting themselves of loved ones. When the Foundation first started, very little was known about these devastating diseases, but over the past 43 years the Foundation has raised nearly $600 million in its effort to reverse blindness and restore vision.

Over 10 million people in the United States alone are affected by vision-robbing retinal diseases. By joining the Foundation Fighting Blindness on October 11th, residents can help the Foundation continue its research efforts until the entire spectrum of retinal degenerative diseases is eradicated.

For more information and details on the Foundation Fighting Blindness Long Island Vision walk please visit the website.

Photo by Lysanne Ooteman via Free Images