Valley Stream, NY - Hempstead Town Supervisor Candidate Felix Procacci recently sat down with Lou Telano from WGBB to go discuss the 2013 Town Supervisor Campaign.
The interview can be heard here.
"I would like to thank Mr. Telano for having me on his show, and look forward to speaking with the voters how my vision of a more transparent government is a better government," stated Procacci.
Felix Procacci is the Democratic candidate for Hempstead Town Supervisor. Felix Procacci is a Franklin Square resident who is running to: create a transparent and accountable Town government; get Town Hall meetings online; require Town government to provide residents with the cost of settled employee contracts; post employee contracts online; post all budget data online in a format that allows for searching and sorting; post all Town Board member votes online; and to end to the waste and abuse at Town Hall. Felix Procacci is a computer programmer, community activist, husband, and father of two (Katherine 12 & Kenneth 9). On Nov. 5 vote Row A all the way.