Nassau Bar Association To Help US Citizenship Applicants at Free “Citizenship Interview Demonstration” October 22

Immigrants who are getting ready to take the final steps to become American citizens can receive some free assistance through the Nassau County Bar Association’s seminar, “US Citizenship Interview Demonstration,” on Thursday, October 22, 2015, ...

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Mineola, NY - October 1, 2015 - Immigrants who are getting ready to take the final steps to become American citizens can receive some free assistance through the Nassau County Bar Association’s seminar, “US Citizenship Interview Demonstration,” on Thursday, October 22, 2015, 6 - 7:30 p.m.  at NCBA’s headquarters in Mineola. An Immigration Officer from the Long Island Office of the US Citizenship and Immigration Services will discuss the naturalization process and demonstrate the questions that may be asked during the required US Citizenship interview and exam.  Attorneys from the NCBA Immigration Law Committee will provide free consultations about specific issues and answer questions.

This free seminar is another effort of NCBA’s BOLD (Bridge Over Language Divides) Program to be more responsive to the changing ethnic diversity of Nassau County by helping to educate and bring legal services to Nassau residents where English is not the primary language spoken.

The Nassau County Bar Association can instantly provide translation services in 170 languages for any callers who may need help understanding legal assistance in their native tongue. In addition, NCBA’s Lawyer Referral Service (516-747-4832) can refer callers to  attorneys who are fluent in many foreign languages, including Spanish, Haitian Creole, Korean, Italian and Farsi.  

Seating for “Free US Citizenship Interview Demonstration” is limited, and reservations are required. Those interested in attending are asked to call NCBA at 516-747-4070 to guarantee a seat at the program. Free USCIS study materials will be provided.  For more information call 516-747-4070.

About the Nassau County Bar Association
Founded in 1899, the Nassau County Bar Association is the leader in providing legal information and community service on Long Island. NCBA consists of private and public attorneys, judges, legal educators and law students who demonstrate their commitment to the community by offering a variety of services for the public, including lawyer referral services, mortgage foreclosure, Sandy recovery and senior citizen legal clinics; judicial screening and public education programs.  The We Care Fund, part of the Nassau Bar Foundation, NCBA’s charitable arm, assists children, the elderly and others in need, through countless projects and donations.  For more information, call (516) 747-4070 (language translation available), email, or visit