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Governor Cuomo Announces New Online Voter Registration Record Set with More Than 140,600 Applications in September

New Yorkers must register to vote by October 14 in order to cast ballots in the upcoming presidential election on Tuesday, November 8.

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New Yorkers must register to vote by Octobere 14 to cast ballots in upcoming Presidential Election.

Photo by: Snickup, via Free Images.

Albany, NY - October 4, 2016 - Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced a record number of New Yorkers registered to vote online using the Department of Motor Vehicles automated online system during the month of September. The website processed more than 140,600 applications, including more than 78,400 applications from first time voters, an all-time high in both categories. New Yorkers must register to vote by October 14 in order to cast ballots in the upcoming presidential election on Tuesday, November 8.

"Knocking down artificial barriers to New York's voter registration process has encouraged hundreds of thousands of voters to get involved," Governor Cuomo said. "I encourage eligible New Yorkers to take advantage of this convenient and accessible online tool before October 14 in order to ensure their voices are heard this November."

Since Governor Cuomo launched the online application system in 2012, the DMV website has processed more than 607,600 online voter registration applications, including nearly 261,000 from first time voters. The previous monthly record was set in March 2016 ahead of New York’s presidential primary, with more than 98,400 total applications, including nearly 50,400 first time voters.

In comparison, the DMV website processed more than 9,200 voter registration applications, including nearly 3,400 from first time voters in September 2015, and in September 2012, the website processed more than 13,700, including nearly 5,200 from first time voters.

DMV Executive Deputy Commissioner Terri Egan said, "Governor Cuomo's launch of the DMV online voter application system has served as a true gateway to the democratic process for hundreds of thousands of people. In a democratic society, the people have the ultimate say in how they want to be led. DMV is proud to play a role in bringing more and more new voters into the election process."

The DMV website now allows New Yorkers to register to vote without signing up for a MyDMV account. Applicants must enter information from their New York State driver license, permit, or non-driver ID, their date of birth, current zip code, last four digits of their Social Security Number, and email address. The information provided is validated to ensure accuracy and security.

New Yorkers must register to vote by October 14 in order to cast ballots in the upcoming presidential election on Tuesday, November 8.

To register to vote, a New Yorker must:

  • Be a United States citizen.
  • Be 18 years old by December 31 of the year in which you submit the form, (note: you must be 18 years old by the date of the general, primary or other election in which you want to vote).
  • Live at their present address at least 30 days before an election.
  • Not be in prison or on parole for a felony conviction.
  • Not be adjudged mentally incompetent by a court.
  • Not claim the right to vote elsewhere.

DMV does not approve or deny voter registration applications. Upon completion, DMV sends the voter registration applications to the appropriate County Board of Elections for review and action. Once processed, the county will notify the applicants that they are registered to vote, or that additional information is needed to complete the application. New Yorkers can also visit the New York State Board of Elections to check their voter registration status.

Click here for a list of frequently asked questions about registering to vote through the DMV website.