Minnesauke Elementary School Honored For Celebrating Differences


Suffolk County Legislator Kara Hahn recognized Minnesauke Elementary School and art teacher Christine Becker for creating the winning submission in the Embracing Our Differences art competition, sponsored by Suffolk’s Center on the Holocaust, Diversity and ...

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Brentwood, NY - October 17th, 2013 - Suffolk County Legislator Kara Hahn recognized Minnesauke Elementary School and art teacher Christine Becker for creating the winning submission in the Embracing Our Differences art competition, sponsored by Suffolk’s Center on the Holocaust, Diversity and Human Understanding.  The creation entitled “Community Tree” stands 6 feet tall and 16 feet wide and was inspired by Gustav Klimt’s “Tree of Life.”  With the guidance and assistance of Ms. Becker, her fifth and sixth grade students and additional Minnesauke staff members designed, painted and assembled artistic wooden circles that, when put together, formed the leaves of the tree.

The Embracing Our Differences art exhibition will be shown on the Grant Campus of Suffolk County Community College in Brentwood through October 27, 2013.  The “Community Tree” will then be placed on permanent display outside the art room at Minnesauke Elementary School.

Pictured: Suffolk County Legislator Kara Hahn presents Minnesauke Elementary School art teacher Christine Becker with a proclamation in celebration of the school’s winning submission for the Embracing Our Differences art competition.

Also Pictured: Minnesauke Elementary School’s “Community Tree”.

