Schumer: Federal Sandy Money For Homeowners Is Beginning to Flow – Everyone Should Apply Now

Schumer Reunites with Lindenhurst Family Set to Potentially Receive Over $100,000 in Sandy Funding & Will Urge Other Long Islanders, Who Have Not Yet Applied, to Move Forward with the NY Rising Process.

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Long Island, NY - October 18th, 2013 - U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today urged Sandy-impacted homeowners on Long Island to apply for Sandy aid under the New York State’s NY Rising housing reconstruction program. The NY Rising program allocates federal funding to Sandy victims with “unmet needs” and so far, nearly 5,000 Long Island homeowners have received notice of the funding they are set to receive. Schumer fought for and secured flexible Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) assistance for New York State, so that funds could go to families with damaged houses. CDBG funds essentially fill in the gaps between what is not covered by insurance and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Of the $1.77 billion secured and provided in the first tranche of federal aid, $484.3 million has been allocated statewide under the NY Rising program so far. Schumer today met with a Long Island family in Lindenhurst who recently learned they were awarded $107,000 through the NY Rising program and urged other Sandy-victims who have not yet applied to NY Rising to do so expeditiously.

“My message to Sandy-impacted homeowners on Long Island is: Sign up now!” said Schumer. “Now that Sandy money is beginning to flow, all homeowners impacted by the storm should apply for this much-needed funding immediately. I fought hard to include this flexible funding in the Sandy Relief Bill to fill the gap between what homeowners would receive from insurance and from FEMA to rebuild their homes and to fortify them against future storms and now I am urging all Sandy-victims to sign up so they receive the assistance they need and deserve.”

Schumer fought for $1.77 billion of CDBG funding for New York State in the Sandy Relief bill and $1.7 billion for New York City.  CDBG funding comes in the form of a grant, not a loan, and is intended to supplement other available resources (including insurance) and cover “unmet needs.”

The New York Rising Community Reconstruction Program was established by New York State to provide additional rebuilding and revitalization assistance to communities damaged by Superstorm Sandy as well as Irene and Tropical Storm Lee.

Schumer today said that federal funding from the New York Rising program is beginning to flow this week. $484.3 million has been allocated to homeowners in New York State with “unmet needs.” Schumer is urging all Long Island homeowners, who were impacted by Superstorm Sandy, to apply for funding.

Homeowners can apply for assistance here.