NCPD: Levittown High School Janitor Accused of Stealing Checks from Parents

Anthony D’Ambrosio of Seaford, 22, allegedly took the checks for dance program fees and deposited them into his personal bank account, officials say.

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NCPD reports the Arrest of Anthony D’Ambrosio of Seaford, 22, for Grand Larceny.

Photo by: Nassau County Police Department

Levittown, NY - October 19, 2018 - The Second Squad reports the Arrest of a Seaford man for Grand Larceny that occurred on October 18, 2018 at 5:12 p.m. in Levittown.
According to detectives, multiple parents mailed personal checks to pay for their children’s dance program fees to the Levittown Memorial High School. The school is located at 150 Abbey Ln., Levittown. It was discovered that the defendant, Anthony D’Ambrosio, 22, while working as a janitor in the school, took the checks and deposited them into his personal bank account.
Detectives responded to the school and placed the defendant under arrest without incident.
Defendant Anthony D’Ambrosio is charged with Grand Larceny 3rd Degree. He will be arraigned on Friday, October 19, 2018 at First District Court, Hempstead.
A criminal charge is an accusation. A defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.