
William Floyd Raises Nearly $9,500 for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Written by WFSD News  |  22. October 2014

Mastic Beach, NY - October 22, 2014 - To commemorate Breast Cancer Awareness Month, schools in the William Floyd School District raised nearly $9,500 throughout the month of October to help raise awareness and fight the battle against this debilitating disease. The funds raised will go toward supporting various cancer research and support organizations.

Tangier Smith Elementary School and the school Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) kicked off Breast Cancer Awareness Month by selling pink hair extensions and “Get Your Pink On” bracelets, raising $1,321 to go toward the Stony Brook University Cancer Center.

Next, William Floyd Elementary School and the school PTO held their Pink/Purple Hair Day and raised $1,300 to split between the National Breast Cancer Foundation and the Lustgarten Foundation for pancreatic cancer awareness. They also sold “WFE Get Your Pink On” shirts and bracelets with the sayings, “Real Men Wear Pink” and “Fight Like a Girl!”

The William Floyd High School National Honor Society once again participated in the “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk” raising $3,609 to benefit the American Cancer Society. Co-advisors Lisa Taiani and Kerri Coudrey gathered with a large group of students at the Brookhaven Campus of Dowling College in Shirley on a brisk autumn morning for the annual walk.

Moriches Elementary School raised $2,080 in their “Pink Hair for Hope” hair extension fundraiser. Spearheaded by fifth-grade teacher Susannah Johnson, the funds will go toward “Mondays at Racine,” an Islip-based salon that provides comfort and support to those bravely battling cancer; the salon provides complimentary beauty treatments including massages, facials, manicures, pedicures and more.

The varsity girls soccer team donned pink shirts for the third annual “Kicks for Cancer” game and raised $500 from the proceeds of the sales of the shirts. The money will be donated to the Suffolk County Girls Soccer Coaches Association who will pool it with other schools and make a large donation for breast cancer research.

The girls junior varsity and varsity volleyball teams participated in their annual “Dig Pink” games and raised $650 for the Side-Out Foundation whose goal is to raise awareness and provide breast cancer education and patient services.

“Each year during the month of October, William Floyd students and staff show their generosity and compassion by dedicating so much time and resources toward raising money for breast cancer research,” said Dr. Paul Casciano, Superintendent of Schools, William Floyd School District. “Hopefully through their efforts and those of many others, there will one day be a cure.” 

Click this link to head over to the William Floyd School District flickr page to check out more photos of William Floyd “thinking pink” for breast cancer awareness.

Pictured: Tangier Smith Elementary students and staff with their pink hair extensions. William Floyd High School National Honor Society co-advisors Kerri Coudrey and Lisa Taiani (far left) are pictured with students who took part in the “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” Walk.

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