Senator Kaminsky Hosts Smith Pond Community Cleanup
Rockville Centre, NY - October 23, 2017 - Senator Todd Kaminsky was joined by 75 Rockville Centre residents as they cleaned up Smith Pond Park. The movement to clean up the park was sparked by the RVC Conservancy and was co-sponsored by the Village of Rockville Centre and Assemblyman Brian Curran, who joined with: Raising Voices USA, Rockville Centre Coalition for Youth, RVC Youth Council, Girl Scouts of Nassau County, Lions International, Boy Scout Troop 214, Sonny’s Canal House, RVC Conservancy, Boy Scout Troop 163, Daisy Troop 822, Rockville Centre Cub Scout Pack 31 and Boy Scout Troop 40.
“Our parks and waterways are one of the many shining treasures that make Long Island attractive,” said Senator Todd Kaminsky. “I am proud to host a cleanup at Smith Pond to further beautify our district and to continue creating a beautiful Long Island.”
Senator Kaminsky and volunteers were able to clean up the park and fill 50 bags of litter, and garbage. Their work will provide residents and wildlife alike with a cleaner, and more enjoyable park.
“It is always wonderful to join with our partners in government, as well as joining with the entire community to keep our parks pristine, and keep our parks a beautiful, safe place where families, children, and seniors can enjoy all that they offer,” said Assemblyman Brian Curran.
“Our parks provide opportunities for people to play, learn, and lead healthy, active lives,” commented Mayor Francis X. Murray. “This cleanup and the volunteers who graciously donate their time and efforts play a vital role in preserving our green spaces. Their tireless work makes a difference to help make Rockville Centre a better and cleaner place to live, work, and play.”
“Raising Voices USA is proud to partner with Senator Todd Kaminsky, Assemblyman Brian Curran, and the Village of Rockville Centre for this weekend's Smith Pond clean-up. As part of Raising Voices USA’s commitment to environmental advocacy and our mission to engage community members in civic action, we are honored to participate in this event and look forward to future opportunities to make a positive and lasting impact on our community,” said Emma Travers and Cindy Vaupel, Raising Voices USA Co-Founders.
“Through this community cleanup, we are helping to make Rockville Centre a better place to live and work. As a Drug Free Community Coalition, the Rockville Centre Coalition for Youth strives to make Rockville Centre a safe, healthy and drug free community. The Smith Pond Cleanup will increase visibility of the area and therefore help to decrease suspicious activity that may involve underage alcohol and illegal drug use,” said Ruthanne McCormack, Project Coordinator at Rockville Centre Coalition for Youth.
“The Rockville Centre Youth Council, Inc., is proud to be part of Senator Todd Kaminsky's beautification project at Smith Pond. It is our pleasure to continue to support the community as the community always supports us. Thank you Senator Kaminsky and the Village of Rockville Centre for making this project possible and for allowing the RVCYC to participate in it. Love these kids and we love this town!” said Andrea Connolly, Adult Chair of RVC Youth Council.
“Our mission says ‘Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place’. What a great place to do just that: our own backyard,” said Elana Wills, Service Unit Volunteer Manager, Rockville Centre Girl Scouts.
“The Rockville Centre Lions Club is proud to support Senator Todd Kaminsky's efforts to help not only the environment but the people in our community with this important initiative. Thank you Senator Kaminsky for working to bring people together to make our Community a better and healthier place to place to live,” said Joan MacNaughton, President or Rockville Centre Lions.
“The scouts of Troop 214 RVC are always happy to lend a hand with projects involving service to the community,” said Jim Plonsky, Scoutmaster, Boy Scout Troop 214.
“The conservation of our local waterways is an increasingly important issue, and one that calls for the awareness and action of our local residents. It is refreshing to see political activism behind this cause, and Sonny's Canal House of Baldwin Harbor is proud to lend our support,” said Gareth Moore, Sonny’s Canal House.
“RVC Conservancy is excited to partner with Senator Kaminsky and the Village to cleanup such an important historic location in Rockville Centre. Many residents aren’t familiar with this park and our hope is that this event will encourage more folks to enjoy the park,”said Matthew Cliszis, Member of the RVC Conservancy.
“Eagle Scout Daniel O'Brien lead a lake-side clean up project here a few years ago. Troop 163 is always eager to lend a hand in our village,” said Charlie Hart, Scoutmaster, Boy Scout Troop 163.
“RVC Troop 40 Scouts and their families happily joined the Smith Pond cleanup; another example of how they continuously help out in our community,” said Patti Norton, Committee Chair, BSA Troop 40.
“RVC Cub Scout Pack 31 is proud to participate in the Smith Pond Cleanup. We are committed to service in our community. Thank you Senator Todd Kaminsky for putting this event together,” said Mike O'Hare, Rockville Centre Cub Scout Pack 31.
“Troop 822 was so excited to be a part of this Community Cleanup. We are always trying to promote being good citizens/human beings and that includes making our daisies environmentally conscientious. Our troop is always looking for ways that we can be involved in community service,” said Joy Pacella, Co-Leader of Daisy Troop 822.
“Keeping our waterways clean is a priority at Empire Kayaks. Every time we're on the water we look to pick up any litter and we've noticed the improvement of our waterways over the years,” said Mike Fehling, Empire Kayaks.