Wantagh, NY - October 25th, 2013 - Full Scale Exercise this Sunday October 27, 2013 10:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
The exercise which is being hosted by the Wantagh Fire Department, with assistance from Nassau County OEM, will simulate a 100 passenger regional jet, that attempts to make an emergency landing at Jones Beach Field 5, and crashes into a NYS Parks building producing a Mass Casualty Incident, with 75 injured, 25 DOA, and a fire in the plane and building.
The exercise will test the response of numerous Fire and EMS agencies, NCPD Emergency Ambulance Bureau, Interoperability of various agencies, coordination and utilization of Mass Casualty Transport Vehicles being deployed by Suffolk County FRES, NYC, the City of Yonkers. Exercise actors will be transported to Nassau University Medical Center and Saint Joseph’s Hospital in Bethpage. In addition, Nassau OEM has secured a Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF) fuselage from Kellogg College in Michigan. After the scene is declared safe, the Nassau County Medical Examiners Team will take part in the exercise, practicing their skills in DNA collection at a Mass Fatality Incident.
This exercise is expected to draw approximately 300 participants, made up of local, county, state, and federal agencies. As we will be establishing a credentialing system for VIP's, and the Media, I ask that should you plan on attending this event, to please RSVP to Dorothy Mongiello at DOROTHYMONGIELLO@GMAIL.COM. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 516-315-4034. I thank you, and look forward to seeing you Sunday.