Legislator Trotta Visits with Troop 888 as They Work on Eagle Scout Project at the Legislature
On a beautiful Sunday morning, Suffolk County Legislator Rob Trotta stopped to visit with scouts from Troop 888, especially Diego Bower Bonvino, who was working on his Eagle Scout Project, creating a sustainable garden at the Suffolk County Legislature in Hauppauge.
A few years ago, the entranceway to the front of the building was refurbished, and another Eagle Scout candidate, Jack Haggerty also of Troop 888, did a landscaping project at the building as well. Diego consulted on this project with Ken Phalen, Assistant County Architect, at the County’s Department of Public Works, who supervised his work and that of the other scouts and parents as they completed the garden.
Diego held a car wash to raise funds to purchase plants, a tree and other supplies to create the garden. He has almost completed the requirements to become an Eagle Scout. “These scouts, their parents and troop leaders did a fantastic job and you would think a professional landscaper did all of the work,” said Suffolk County Legislator Trotta.
“I first met Diego when he and his brother participated in the Legislature’s Distinguished Youth Award and they both earned the Silver Award. I look forward to attending his Eagle Scout Court of Honor, and am confident that whatever he sets his mind to, he will achieve it,” added Trotta.