Nassau Judge to Explain How You Can Become a Guardian to Help the Elderly

Learn from top legal government leaders all about guardianships, when they may be needed, how to prevent them, alternatives, resources and how to become a guardian.

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Free seminar on November 3. Reservations are requested for this free program.

Photo by: Ginny Austin, via Free Images.

Mineola, NY - November 1, 2016 - How can you help your elderly relative who is unable to manage his personal or financial needs? What about an elderly neighbor in poor health who is vulnerable to scams? Guardianships may be the answer.

Learn from top legal government leaders all about guardianships, when they may be needed, how to prevent them, alternatives, resources and how to become a guardian, at a free seminar," Adult Guardianships: Prevention and Intervention," on November 3,  6:30 - 8 p.m. at the Nassau County Bar Association, 15th Street at the Corner of West Street, Mineola.

Leading the discussion is Hon. Arthur Diamond, Justice of the Supreme Court and supervising judge of guardianship matters in Nassau County, along with attorney Moriah Adamo, Abrams Fensterman, Lake Success,

Reservations are requested for this free program. To register, call the Nassau County Bar Association at 516-747-4070 or email.

About the Nassau County Bar Association
Founded in 1899, the Nassau County Bar Association is the leader in providing legal information and community service on Long Island. NCBA consists of private and public attorneys, judges, legal educators and law students who demonstrate their commitment to the community by offering a variety of services for the public, including lawyer referral services, mortgage foreclosure, Sandy recovery and senior citizen legal clinics; judicial screening and public education programs.  We Care, part of the Nassau Bar Foundation, NCBA’s charitable arm, assists children, the elderly and others in need, through countless projects and donations.  For more information, call (516) 747-4070 (language translation available), email