Weather Alert  

ELEVATED RISK FOR FIRE SPREAD SATURDAY The combination of low relative humidity values near 30 percent and northwest winds gusting 30 to 35 mph will create an elevated risk for fire spread across the region on Saturday. Exercise caution handling any potential ignition sources, including machinery, cigarettes, and matches. Any fires that ignite will have the potential to spread quickly. This forecast considered meteorological, fuel, and land conditions, and has been developed in coordination with NY, NJ, and CT fire and land management officials.

Brookhaven Councilwoman Bonner Attends Coastal Steward’s Shellfish Restoration Project Event

The organization and volunteers placed 50,000 oysters in both the Mt. Sinai and Port Jefferson Harbor sites.

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Credit: Town of Brookhaven

Recently, Councilwoman Jane Bonner and Coastal Steward Long Island volunteer, Brian McCaffery, attended the Shellfish Restoration Project event at Mt. Sinai Harbor. The organization and volunteers placed 50,000 oysters in both the Mt. Sinai and Port Jefferson Harbor sites. It was the final Shellfish Restoration Project oyster release of 2024. They were raised at the Town of Brookhaven Mariculture Facility at Mt Sinai Harbor until May and June 2024.

The 20 mm oysters were donated to the Coastal Steward, a not-for-profit group that volunteers for the Town of Brookhaven. The Coastal Steward then grows the oysters as part of their Mariculture Restoration Program until they plant them in October on a Town Management Area in Port Jefferson Harbor.

Coastal Steward Long Island received 75,000 small Eastern oysters, raised at the Town of Brookhaven Mariculture facility at Mt. Sinai Harbor and divided into 75 bags. With the help of volunteers, the bags were placed in large growing cages and submerged. Throughout the summer and fall, their health and growth were monitored. In addition, every two weeks the oysters are removed from their cages and cleaned to prevent overgrowth of algae and other organisms that may inhibit their growth. For more information about the Coastal Steward Shellfish Restoration Project, go to

Credit: Town of Brookhaven