
NCPD Emergency Service Workers Prevent Hempstead Male from Committing Suicide

Written by Long Island News & PR  |  09. November 2017

Hempstead, NY - November 9, 2017 - The Emergency Service Unit reports the details of a rescue of a suicidal male that occurred in Hempstead on Tuesday, 11/08/17 at 10:30 A.M.
Hempstead police officers requested assistance with a suicidal male locked in a second floor bedroom on Allen Street. The Emergency Service Unit responded and forced entry into the room when the male threatened to jump head first out of the window.  
The aided had a toy airsoft gun and fired a few plastic BB’s at the ESU members as they entered. 
The aided jumped out of the window and onto the roof before ESU could reach him, because of debris blocking the path into the bedroom. ESU officers blocked the aided on the roof and attempted to make contact with him.                  
Crisis negotiators responded, along with additional ESU officers, with a large rescue truck equipped with a platform, which they used to reach the aided and safely remove him. The aided was transported to a local hospital for evaluation.
No injuries were reported.

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