Regal Kosher Deli in Plainview Will Stay Open After All

Planned closing was postponed after deli owners offered help by landlord.

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The owners of Regal Deli had planned to close their doors for good last month but the kosher deli got a new lease on life, according to a report on CBS News.


One commenter on the deli’s unofficial Facebook page called it a “Jewish miracle.” Others also rejoiced at the news.


Plainview, once the home of three delis, including Reuven's, Bloomy's and Regal would have had none but Ben's Deli close by Woodbury. This turn of events preserves the access to real kosher deli in the town.


The owners had said initially that they were having trouble meeting the rising rent along with meat and labor costs. But CBS reports that the landlord offered to help with rent.


“One of the deli employees also offered to buy the place and keep it running,” the report also said.