Nassau SPCA Offers Helpful Thanksgiving Safety Tips for Pet Owners

The Nassau County SPCA offers up some helpful tips for making sure your furry friends stay safe this holiday season.

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Nassau County, NY - November 20th, 2013 - It is almost Thanksgiving and the grocery stores will be empty after we're all done buying the stuffing, turkeys, sides, and desserts. Don't forget about your pets and their sometimes deviant nature to steal a few table scraps, nose their way into a bag of food left on the floor, or lick a glass full of wine.

Here's a few tips to have a Thanksgiving that is pet-safe:
1: Turkey - If you decide to give your pet a little bit of the big ol' bird, make sure it is completely cooked and has no bones. Do no offer raw turkey or undercooked turkey. If your pet is on a diet or has food allergies, avoid giving any "people" food to him and keep him on his regular feeding schedule.
2: No Bread Dough - If you're baking bread, be mindful that your pet might be nosey and take a bite. The bread dough can expand in their stomach and cause major abdominal pain.
3: Dinner Time is People Time -
Not all your guests may know what your dog can and can not have and might give your pet some table scraps. Your dog might also have a horrible habit of begging for food. Instead of worrying about telling your guests the rules and limits you have for your dog, and having your dog become overly excited at meeting people, crating your dog during dinner time with his favorite toy and a few treats stuffed into a kong can make the evening peaceful. Place his crate in a quiet room in the house. It'll also cut down on worrying he might dart out the front door when your friends and family come over. If your cat doesn't like all the commotion, place her in a room with some water, litter box, and her dinner. She'll probably find a soft, warm spot to lay down and snooze while you entertain.
4: Candles - Cats and dogs and candles are not always a good mix. Your cat might jump up on the table and knock it over, your dog might pull the table cloth or knock a candle over with his wagging tail. Instead of candles around the house, why not decorate with flowers (ones that are pet safe), small decorations, and other things that are pet-safe.
5: Proper Identification - When your pet is out and about with your guests, make sure the he's wearing his tags in case he does get out of the house. Dogs and cats sometimes get startled by a loud noise and run.
6: Boarding Your Pet - some pets just do not like change and noises. Find a boarding facility for your pet if the commotion is too stressful for him. Pack his favorite toys, his blanket, and some yummy treats to keep him happy. Let the facility know of any special dietary needs or behavior quirks he has. He'll be safe, loved, and played with during his stay and you can always call or email and see how he's doing.

Have a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving! Your Nassau County SPCA.