Suffolk Legislator Lynne C. Nowick holds a Coat and Blanket Drive for Every Child’s Dream

Legislator Nowick will be accepting donations of winter-wear at her office.

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Smithtown, NY - November 18, 2013 - Suffolk County Legislator Lynne C. Nowick is supporting Every Child’s Dream, which provides assistance for the county’s homeless children and their families. Legislator Nowick is collecting gently used or new coats, jackets, hats, gloves and scarves for children, men and women, as well as blankets to be distributed to those in need. Legislator Nowick said, “During these hard economic times it is incumbent upon all of us to help our fellow neighbor.” Coats and other outerwear accessories and blankets will be collected at Legislator Nowick’s district office, 59 Landing Avenue in Smithtown, from Monday through Friday, 9am - 3pm, until December 5. For directions or questions, please call Legislator Nowick’s office at 854-3900.