Governor Cuomo Announces Partnership with Walmart, Wegmans, FreshDirect and the Coca-Cola Company to Feed Over 35K NYers This Thanksgiving
Albany, NY - November 21, 2016 - Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that New York State is partnering with Walmart, Wegmans, FreshDirect and The Coca-Cola Company this Thanksgiving Week to help deliver meals to feed more than 35,000 people statewide.
"Thanksgiving provides the opportunity both to reflect on what we are grateful for and to give back to our fellow New Yorkers," Governor Cuomo said. "This partnership will provide families throughout the state with a warm meal to enjoy with loved ones. This week and throughout the holiday season, I encourage all New Yorkers to reach out to their neighbors and find ways to pitch in and help those in need."
Thanks to generous food donations from Walmart and Wegmans, meals are being assembled and packaged to feed over 35,000 New Yorkers statewide. Each meal includes turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie, vegetables, cranberry sauce and potatoes.
Additionally, The Coca-Cola Company donated over 3,000 beverages, including juice and other drinks, to be distributed with the meals. FreshDirect has provided thousands of boxes to ensure the meals are properly packaged and delivered.
Walmart and the Walmart Foundation's collaboration with Governor Cuomo and the State of New York this Thanksgiving is part of its overall commitment to assist communities and families throughout the state. Today's donation of thousands of meals adds to the more than 7.5 million meals the company has donated in New York State so far this fiscal year.
Jason Klipa, Director of Public Affairs for Walmart in New York, said, "There are far too many people in our country that go to bed hungry or unsure where their next meal is coming from. As the nation’s largest grocer, we’re strongly committed to being a part of the solution in the fight against hunger in New York and across the nation. We’re grateful for the opportunity to be involved in events like today as part of our goal to help provide meals to those that don’t have enough to eat."
Francis McGorry, President, Tri-State Metro, Coca-Cola Refreshments, said, "Coca-Cola has a long standing history of helping communities during times of need and the holiday season. On behalf of our 3,500 Coca-Cola associates in New York, we thank Governor Cuomo for his leadership in helping families in need throughout the holiday season."
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. CEO Danny Wegman said, "We are committed to supporting hunger relief efforts throughout the year. This time of year provides a wonderful opportunity to give back to our communities and help ensure families have a warm meal. We are proud to partner with Governor Cuomo on this important work."
Jason Ackerman, Co-Founder and CEO of FreshDirect, said, "FreshDirect is proud to partner with Governor Cuomo on this effort to provide a warm meal to New Yorkers in need. Thanksgiving is the perfect time of year to give back, and we encourage everyone to find a way to help friends and neighbors during the holiday season."