Moriches Bay Project Launches Million Mollusk March IndieGoGo Campaign

On November 15th, 2014, local grass roots organitzation the Moriches Bay Project launched their 1st ever Crowd Funding Campaign via Indie Go Go.

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Moriches, NY - November 25th, 2014 - On November 15th, 2014, local grass roots organitzation the Moriches Bay Project launched their 1st ever Crowd Funding Campaign, the Moriches Bay Project Million Mollusk March, via IndieGoGo. The Moriches Bay Project hopes to raise $20,000 in order to seed a million oysters into Moriches Bay.

On average, a single oyster can filter 50 gallons of water a day - just imagine what a million could do for the Moriches Bay. The community needs to act now to make a difference and bring the bay back to health - for the life under the bay and for the quality of life on the bay that children, grandchild and even pets swim in.  

When giving thanks this year, consider giving thanks to the bays  Please take a few minutes to watch the below video . Help The Moriches Bay Project reach its goal of 1 million oysters by making a donation, telling your friends, family, and shairng on Facebook. The Moriches Bay Project's Million Mollusk March needs YOUR help to succeed, Long Island.

To support the Moriches Bay Project's Million Mollusk March IndieGoGo Campaign, click here.

About the Moriches Bay Project
The Moriches Bay Project is a a non-profit organization dedicated to the restoration and rehabilitation of Moriches Bay. The ground was founded in 2012 by a small group of Long Islanders concerned about the perpetuating environmental issues affecting Long Islands waterways and the impact it those cause local businesses, culture, and ecosystem.

