Reps. Zeldin, King and Suozzi Joined at IRS by State and Local Officials and Area Businesses in Opposition to Current Draft of GOP Tax Plan

Members Underscore Bipartisan Efforts to Improve the Bill Ahead of Senate Vote Later This Week.

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(L to R): Rep. King (NY-2), Rep. Zeldin (NY-1), Rep. Suozzi (NY-3).

Photo by: Office of Congressman Lee Zeldin

Hauppauge, NY - November 28, 2017 - Today, U.S. Representatives Lee Zeldin (R, NY-1), Peter King (R, NY-2), and Tom Suozzi (D, NY-3) were joined by state and local officials and area businesses at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in Hauppauge, NY, for a press conference highlighting their concerns with the current version of the GOP tax reform plan and outlining ways to improve the legislation.
“My goal in this tax reform mission has always been to ensure the hardworking men and women of Long Island keep more of their paycheck, reduce their cost of living, and are able to save more for retirement. While I like many aspects of this tax reform plan, too many Long Islanders would not see the tax relief they desperately need and deserve,” Congressman Zeldin said after the press conference. “This fight is not over. While the reinstatement of the property tax deduction to $10,000 was progress, it was not enough progress. I will continue to fight hard to improve this bill as much as possible.”  
"By eliminating deductions for local and state taxes the tax reform plan will have a devastating effect on New York,” Congressman King said. “We give far more to Washington then we get back. For every dollar we give, we get $.79 back. That’s a $48 billion shortfall and hurts our middle class Long Islanders"
"Eliminating the state and local tax deduction would be devastating for the over 250,000 hard-working families in my district who rely on it,” said Congressman Suozzi. “I’m fighting this tooth and nail on behalf of middle class families that deserve better and who can't afford to be subjected to this draconian tax increase."
"I am always pleased when our political parties are working together,” said James Skidmore, GM and Co-Owner of Toast Coffeehouse in Patchogue and President of the Patchogue Chamber of Commerce. “As Chamber President and a small business owner, this tax plan hinders our opportunity to pay a fair wage and expand and grow our businesses. Both opportunities are necessary to improve the quality of life for all Long Islanders.”