Kings Park Brownie Troops Become Philanthropists
Kings Park, NY - December 3, 2014 - Kings Park Brownie Troop #2720 showed up at St. Catherine of Siena Nursing and Rehabilitation Care Center with bright smiles, festive attire and two bags filled with handmade blankets ready to donate to residents. The Parkview Elementary School students made 17 gorgeous fleece blankets and they were all so thrilled to donate them to others.
“Throughout the year, we have been teaching our girls about devoting time to philanthropy through service and learning,” said Brownie Troup Leader Jennifer Kehoe. “Making the blankets was a service project to help them better understand what philanthropy is all about.” Erin Bourguignon, RN, was onsite to meet the young philanthropists and commented, “The festive and warm blankets will be greatly welcomed by the residents this holiday season.”
After the brownie troops delivered their blankets they were off to sing Christmas carols for the residents at the nursing home.