Consumer spending during the recent holiday season is expected to push the nation’s $1.17 trillion in household credit card debt even higher—and with rising debt, cardholders are increasingly at risk of falling behind on their payments.
A new analysis from Upgraded Points sheds light on credit card delinquency rates in the U.S., broken down by metro and state. Researchers ranked locations by the share of cardholders with severely delinquent debt as of Q4 2024, the latest data available.
Credit Card Delinquency in New York State
- Last year, 11.5% of cardholders in New York State had severely delinquent debt (90+ days overdue).
- The average credit card debt in New York State was $6,699.
- Additionally, 24.3% of New York State cardholders utilized more than 75% of their total credit, which can hurt credit scores and make it more difficult to secure loans or favorable interest rates in the future.
The full report also includes several interactive charts and tables: