Rep. Rice Calls for Bipartisan Investigation of Russia's Reported Interfere in U.S. Elections

U.S. Rep. Kathleen Rice released the following statement today calling for a “rigorous bipartisan investigation” into Russia’s reported interference in American elections.

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Call for a “rigorous bipartisan investigation” into Russia’s reported interference in American elections.

Photo by: Ali Zifan, licensed under CC-BY ASA 4.0 International.

Garden City, NY - December 12, 2016 - U.S. Representative Kathleen Rice, a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, released the following statement today calling for a “rigorous bipartisan investigation” into Russia’s reported interference in American elections.

Statement from Representative Kathleen Rice:

“Russia’s reported interference in our elections – regardless of whether their motivation was to undermine the integrity of the process or, as the CIA has concluded, to help a specific candidate – is a direct attack on the foundation of our democracy, and it demands a rigorous bipartisan investigation. We can’t just ‘move on,’ sweep this under the rug and pretend it didn’t happen. Both parties in Congress need to come together and investigate the facts, show the American people all the information that we can without compromising sources or methods, and identify an appropriate response.

“I believe this ultimately calls for the creation of a Select Committee or a bipartisan, independent commission as Reps. Cummings and Swalwell have proposed. But I appreciate the fact that Chairman McCaul has promised to hold hearings on this issue, and I’m ready to get to work immediately with my Republican and Democratic colleagues on the Homeland Security Committee to investigate all the facts we have about how Russia interfered with our elections, what their motivations were, and what steps we can take to protect our electoral systems and prevent these kinds of intrusions in the future.”