Check to see if any of these potentially dangerous toys are on your child’s wish list this year!
Every single year, thousands of toys are recalled during the holiday season due to their potential hazards. From small pieces on toys that have a tendency to fall off and become choking hazards, to product marketing that doesn't convey the dangers of using the product inside the box, to toys that are made of materials that many children are allergic to, there is a lot to be on the watch for this year. According to W.A.T.C.H. (World Against Toys Causing Harm, Inc.) this year approximately 46% of purchases are expected to be made online, making it even easier for hazardous toys to wind up in the hands of an innocent child or unknowing adult with intent to give that toy to a child.
Here are some toys to beware of this holiday season.
Kid Connection Doctor Play Set
Manufacturer/Distributor: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
The Toy: A collection of plastic doctor tools in a green box that says 2+ on the box.
The Hazards: The Doctor Play Set includes small pieces, including a thin plastic 4 ¾ inch length tongue depressor, that could be potential choking hazards.
Jurassic World Velociraptor Claws
Manufacturer/Distributor: Hasbro
The Toy: Two green plastic Velociraptor claws with three black claws on each hand that are worn on the hands.
The Hazards: The toy encourages children ages 4 and up to claw just like a raptor but includes no warning of the potential for face and eye injuries.
Kick Flipper
Manufacturer/Distributor: Playsmart Inc.
The Toy: A red plastic board that is meant to be used like a skateboard without wheels.
The Hazards: The Kick Flipper doesn’t show images of children wearing safety gear on the box and doesn’t mention the importance of safety gear while using their product anywhere on/in the product even though they encourage children to kick, flip and pop it.

This realistic looking toy gun could be mistaken for a real weapon.
Foam Dart Gun
Manufacturer/Distributor: GD.Jiefeng Toys
The Toy: A black plastic dart gun that says, “Foam Dart Gun” also in black on the toy.
The Hazards: The toy is too realistic and could be mistaken for a real weapon.
Leonardo’s Electronic Stealth Sword
Manufacturer/Distributor: Playmates International Company Ltd.
The Toy: A plastic sword from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Franchise with a silver blade and brown, yellow and gold handle that is supposed to be Leonardo’s weapon.
The Hazards: The toy sword has the potential of causing blunt, impact injuries.
Manufacturer/Distributor: Skyrocket Toys LLC
The Toy: A comical product that looks like Play-Doh but is meant to make fecal shaped, and looking, gags. It comes with three tubs of brown “poo mold” and one mold.
The Hazards: This product contains wheat and could be dangerous for children who are allergic to wheat. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to wheat can include: hives, difficulty breathing, headaches and other reactions.
Pull Along Zebra
Manufacturer/Distributor: Early Learning Centre (ELC)
The Toy: A wheeled zebra toy with a plastic bear who can be put inside the zebra and then pulled along with the red cord.
The Hazards: This toy is targeted to children 12 - 36 months but has a pull along string about 21 inches in length making it a potential danger for children who could become strangled or entangled in the long cord.

The small blue hubcaps on this toy can fall off becoming a chocking hazard for children and infants.
Skipit’s Wheely Cute Pull Along
Manufacturer/Distributor: Bunnies By The Bay
The Toy: A soft plush on top of red wheels with blue hubcaps and a collar to pull the toy along with.
The Hazards: The blue hubcaps have been known to fall off of the toy creating a choking hazard for infants and children.
Smack Shot
Manufacturer/Distributor: Imperial Toy LLC
The Toy: A bright blue circular slingshot with black accents that fires orange ammunition.
The Hazards: The Smack Shot can sling an object up to 100ft making it dangerous for anyone who is hit with the ammunition within close range.
Stats Quick Folding Trampoline
Manufacturer/Distributor: Toys R Us, Inc.
The Toy: A 38” foldable trampoline with a picture of a lone child jumping up and down on it on the box.
The Hazards: The toy is sold in aisles for children as young as 6 years old and shows a picture of a young girl jumping on the trampoline without adult supervision. This toy should never be used by a child without adult supervision.