New SCPD Leadership Team Meets with Suffolk County Cultural and Minority Groups

The new leadership of the Suffolk County Police Department will be meeting with the leaders of various cultural and minority groups to enhance relationships and ensure that their concerns are being clearly addressed.

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Today's meeting builds on the SCPD's initiative to reach out to the diverse communities that make up Suffolk County.

Photo by: Mike Johnson, via Free Images.

Yaphank, NY - December 17, 2015 - The new leadership of the Suffolk County Police Department will be meeting with the leaders of various cultural and minority groups to enhance relationships and ensure that their concerns are being clearly addressed.

Today at 10:45 a.m., Deputy Commissioner Tim Sini and Chief of Department Stuart Cameron, along with other members of the department, will be meeting with several leaders of area Mosques and the Muslim community as part of an on-going initiative to reach out to the diverse communities that make up Suffolk County. It is important that all residents of every community know that their concerns are important to the new leadership team in their police department.

Along with Deputy Commissioner Sini and Chief of Department Cameron, attending the event will be Chief of Patrol John Meehan, Police Chaplain Nayyar Imam, Commanding Officer of the Community Response Bureau, Detective Lieutenant Robert Donohue,  members of the Precinct Command staff, and Muslim community leaders.

Members of the Suffolk County Police Department and members of the Muslim community will be available for interviews.