Upstate, New York City, Long Island: Who Are The Real New Yorkers?
Okay. Time to stir the pot. We asked on Facebook if you believed that people from upstate aren't really New Yorkers. Well, we got an earful.
This is not a new question. The question of what the difference between New York City, upstate New York, and Long Island has been tackled by The New York Times, The Washington Post and even Urban Dictionary. There is even one of those “you know you’re from upstate when…” posts on a site called (For the record, who isn’t kind of obsessed with Stewart’s? We scream for their ice cream!)
According to the New York Times, the state capitol defines upstate New York by what lies outside the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s commuter rail area. “Besides New York City and Long Island, it excludes Westchester, Rockland, Orange, Putnam and Dutchess Counties,” the paper reported.
So here are some of the things that people said on Facebook when asked if upstate people are really New Yorkers. For the most part, people were split in their opinions on the issue. People who respond to this question also generally fell into one of a few categories.
Read some of the comments and let us know what you think! Where do you fit in on the issue?
Photo: Stock image.
It’s All Relative
- They’re New Yorkers and we’re New Yawkas from Lawn Guyland.
- There’s New Yorkers, usually when talking about city people. I’m born and raised on Long Island, so I call myself a Long Islander. I will also answer to Lung Guylander. The upstate folks where I have relatives, I refer to as upstaters. Likewise, they call me a downstater or the cousin from the city. It’s all subjective. π
- Are Long Islanders "New Yorkers"? I was born in Brooklyn , raised in Queens & live on Suffolk, Long Island now. At one time it was all Long Island.
- I don't really think people from Long Island are New Yorkers. New Yorkers are from the city, I am a Long Islander :)
- They are from New York I am from the Island aka Eylan
- Born and raised on the Island for my first 30 years. And never been to upstate. Is that another country? ππππ
- They are upstate NYrs. We are Long Islanders!
Image by Luciano Marelli from Pixabay.
We Are All New Yorkers
- 3 different places Long Island. NYC. UPSTATE. But it’s still all NY you can identify yourself however you want!!!!!
- Lol that’s a silly question- ALL of NY is beautiful and to be proud of!
- We are all New Yorkers. I love New York all its people and its environment.
- Long Islander that loves upstate, Bills fan and proud father of a UB student. Love the diversity of NY.
- It's just a different facet of NY. I love upstate NY, it's beautiful.
- New York State = a New Yorker!
- You are a New Yorker if you live in New York. Maybe different lifestyles.
- We’re all NY proud!
- When you live in N.Y. you are a New Yorker. Doesn't matter what county you are in. N.Y. is New York.
- All one state moved to western ny from LI after living on LI all my life 71 now and for me I don’t see much different.
Image by klimkin from Pixabay.
The Secessionists
- It's like another planet up there.
- They shouldn't even have our license plate!
- Upstate should be a separate state. NYC & Long Island are totally different from upstate
- I’m an Island girl who lives within the state of NY. I would love to secede!!
- It’s not that they are not New Yorkers It’s that they are not Long Islanders. LI needs to be its own state.
- Yup I agree with that. Upstate is like another world compared to the city n the island. IMO.
- They’re upstaters what do they call themselves? Only new yawkers are real new
- It’s part of a bigger conspiracy first break away from upstate then Nassau from Suffolk. π
Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay.
Why tho?
- Upstate people are more "New Yorkers" than the self absorbed NYC and long island folk.
- Why are they not New Yorkers they live in the state of New York what else would you call them?? Stupid statementπ€
- I normally do not believe there are such things as stupid questions, yet this one is in the running for a stupid question. Why would they not be New Yorkers?
- You mean southern Canada?
- Huh?
- Silly question.
- Seriously??
Image by Oliver Cardall from Pixabay.
But, the Buffalo Bills...
- They’ve got the only NY football team.......
- Why aren’t the Buffalo Bills , the only N.Y. Football team to play in N.Y. Televised or even mentioned In news casts?
- They're every bit as much a New Yorker as the Buffalo Bills! We, on the other hand, are Noo Yawkahs. ;)