NYSDEC Bureau of Pesticides Management Participates in the 2023 Landscape Contractors Association of Long Island Annual Conference


Outreach and Education Exemplified.

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This past November, Bureau of Pesticide Management staff from Albany, New York City, Long Island, and a representative from the Environmental Conservation Police maintained a booth at the 2023 Landscape Contractors Association of Long Island (LCALI) Professional Education Conference and Trade Show.

More than 300 members in the horticultural industry attended the conference to see exhibits, learn about new products, attend presentations in which they received NYSDEC continuing education credits.

The DEC Team were given the opportunity and presented several talks throughout the day.

  • ECO Bradley Smith discussed the regulatory requirements and an overview of what landscapers and businesses applying pesticides can expect during a road-side inspection conducted by an ECO.
  • Anthony Lamanno, Bureau of Pesticide Management, Section Supervisor of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, spoke to the attendees about NYSDEC regulatory updates related to the NYS Glyphosate Reporting Requirement, Reclassification of Certain Neonicotinoid Pesticide Products, and other pesticide information that can be found on the DEC's Pesticide webpage.
  • LCALI Conference keynote speaker was Tiffany FischerBureau of Pesticide Management, Environmental Program Specialist, Pesticide Reporting and Certification Section. Tiffany gave a step-by-step presentation on the 2024 NYSDEC’s Pesticide Reporting Law and the new statutory requirement for electronic report submission. Want more information? Check out the instructional videos now posted on DEC’s Webinars YouTube page.

The Bureau of Pesticides Management makes outreach a priority and consistently educates the public, agencies, and the regulated community within the five boroughs of New York City, Nassau, and Suffolk County, in order to familiarize them with the responsibilities of Pesticide Laws in the State of New York.

If you have general questions, please contact the Bureau of Pesticides Management at pestmgt@dec.ny.gov. For Pesticides Reporting Law (PRL) section questions, you may call 518-402-8748 or email at prl@dec.ny.gov.