Looking to stay up to date about all of the news stories and local headlines that are important to Long Islanders? We've rounded up the top coverage for all of the important topics from multiple sources around Long Island, so you can be sure you've got the most recent update on the top stories for Long Island. Have an idea for a news story? Email us at news@longisland.com
By museums August 04, 2003
Begin your historic tour of Port Jefferson, a fabulous old ship building town, at the Mather House, only one of a number of historic properties managed by the Historical Society of Greater Port Jefferson, Inc. ...
By careers August 04, 2003
An informational interview, also known as a research interview, is your opportunity to speak to individuals that are in the position to offer you advice, support, and guidance regarding your job search or career transition. ...
By fatherfrank August 01, 2003
Parenting teenagers on a good day is a complicated, challenging enterprise. A manual isn't dropped off in the maternity ward when a child is born. Most of us who take parenting seriously work at it ...
By divorceattorney July 31, 2003
Whether it's temporary or permanent, whether it comes from Supreme Court or the Family Court, sooner or later couples on the outs are going to be subject to court orders. However, not everybody follows these ...
By wedding-planner July 31, 2003
Walking Down the Aisle: If it seems too old fashioned to be "given" away, why not have you and soon-to-be husband walk down the aisle together or meet half way? To Have a Receiving Line ...
By mobd July 30, 2003
Profit Management In the current economy, annual financial forecasts and waiting for quarterly or monthly financial statements to check profitability may not be good enough. For minority owned businesses profitability is a key ...
By travel July 25, 2003
Ireland's capital city of Dublin is booming, having taken on a new life in the past decade as Europe's "fun city." With teeming pedestrian shopping malls, beautiful parks, rollicking pubs, literary landmarks, and historic sites, ...
By estateplanning July 24, 2003
What is Elder Law? Elder Law is an area of the law that deals primarily with planning for incapacity. Many documents used in Estate Planning overlap with Elder Law planning such as Powers of Attorney, ...
By fatherfrank July 24, 2003
Trust and honesty are two issues that many college students struggle with. Most people, young and old alike, want to be known as trustworthy and honest. However, too often we betray the trust we seek ...
By singles July 23, 2003
Dating in the Fast Lane When you're tired of wasting your time by Lauralyn "Speedy" Avallone In my last article, which you can probably check out in the archives if you're REALLY interested, I interviewed ...
By AppreciatingDiversity July 18, 2003
Last month, I facilitated several workshops for an organization that had contracted me to deliver training so that their management staff might, through participation, enhance their cross-cultural communication skills and understanding of cultural di
By fatherfrank July 17, 2003
It is summer vacation. Your oldest son is home for his first summer vacation as a college student. As far as you know (and he tells), he did pretty well academically. You received no disciplinary ...
By careers July 14, 2003
Deciding to leave a job isn't easy. In fact, quitting a job requires courage, especially in today's soft economy when the unemployment rate has reached 6.4%. However, in a tight job market, some people consider ...
By mobd July 14, 2003
CHARTING YOUR FUTURE Your bank has said "no" to your loan application... your startup business is not quite ready to approach venture capitalists ... and yet you need more funding to get your ...
By mobd July 11, 2003
Everyone, especially minority business owners, knows that time is money, yet too few people act like it is. To be successful I maintain that Time Management must be a critical component of your skills repertoire. ...
By mobd July 09, 2003
Try Grassroots Marketing
With the glut of advertisements, press releases, direct mail, and other promotional vehicles crying for attention, it's become quite a challenge to get your message out to clients ...
By finearts July 07, 2003
By R. E. Acuna Express Yourself What a great way to express yourself and show what your interests are. Whether you are a sophisticated world traveler, futurist, fun-loving homebody, animal lover, ...
By lisingles July 04, 2003
So its 4th of July. Time to spark up the Bar-B-Q, have a few drinks (but not drive - I can't stress how important it is to NOT DRINK AND DRIVE, especially this weekend), set ...
By fatherfrank July 03, 2003
School is out. Summer vacation has truly begun. The summer months are clearly a challenge for those among us who have school age children, whether they are elementary, junior high or high school students.
By transportation July 02, 2003
BY RICH KNUTSON Hello summer. Is it about time or what? We went from rain rain everywhere to hot hot hot. In honor of the summer's arrival, I have updated the transportation links once again. ...