Looking to stay up to date about all of the news stories and local headlines that are important to Long Islanders? We've rounded up the top coverage for all of the important topics from multiple sources around Long Island, so you can be sure you've got the most recent update on the top stories for Long Island. Have an idea for a news story? Email us at news@longisland.com
By fatherfrank May 22, 2003
The media frenzy around the fact that fifteen high school baseball players walked into a strip club in Florida has not helped to clarify the issues in this unfortunate circumstance. Sensationalizing the immature decision making ...
By Debra Scala Giokas May 21, 2003
After more than a decade of working with lawyers who do wonderful things for the not-for-profit sector, I found myself in a support role for many attorneys who volunteered their time and talent to charitable ...
By mobd May 21, 2003
There is a lot to cover on the subject of this column - minority owned business development - so to keep the effort focused and useful, I will organize articles around four main topics, Resources, ...
By careers May 20, 2003
"So, why don't you tell me about yourself?" is the most frequently asked interview question. It's a question that most interviewees expect and the one they have the most difficulty answering. Though one could answer ...
By Robin Frank May 19, 2003
Losing a tremendous amount of weight is a life-altering experience. With dieting, exercise and determination, some people lose 50, 60, even 100 pounds or more. Increasing numbers of severely overweight people are also turning to ...
By travel May 19, 2003
The amusement park voted "The World's Most Beautiful Theme Park" for ten years in a row by the National Amusement Park Historical Assn. is Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Virginia. And there's good reason, since "The ...
By psychologist May 18, 2003
We live in a time when our general vocabulary is filled with psychological terms. Unfortunately, many people use psychological labels incorrectly. The most common error I hear is the misuse of the word, depression. Depression ...
By lisingles May 17, 2003
Memorial Day Weekend...a time to kick back, relax, and party you perverbial asses off! Now there is going to be SO much going on that weekend, so this is my goal for the upcoming week. ...
By singles May 17, 2003
When Meet the Parents Becomes From Hell By Lauralyn Avallone Most families are, well, nuttier than a Chinese chicken salad. That's the fun thing about family those little eccentricities that make you smile and make ...
By ferrets May 16, 2003
Dental hygiene is just as important in ferrets as it is in humans. Keeping your ferret's teeth clean will help prevent the onset of gum disease and other medical conditions later in life. Some ferrets ...
By fatherfrank May 16, 2003
Prom season has arrived! High School seniors across Long Island are planning for the elegant event of their high school career. Many high schools celebrate the senior prom with specific customs and traditions that have ...
By recreationalfishing May 13, 2003
We've had continual east winds and dense fog, rain, mist and just miserable weather for actually weeks and the last time I can remember a decent day with some sunshine was...let me just give you ...
By movies May 11, 2003
by Ben Kenigsberg Perhaps we're witnessing the creation of a new genre. First Todd Haynes revisited Douglas Sirk's All That Heaven Allows (1956) in Far From Heaven , and ...
By horticulture May 08, 2003
Now that you have selected the proper location and the proper plant material for your landscape, it is time to plant it properly. The hole should be dug 3 times the size of the root ...
By fatherfrank May 06, 2003
During the last few months we have heard countless stories of budget problems relative to our state and county government. Both state and county officials indicate that there will be further cuts in social and ...
By careers May 05, 2003
During the job hunter's market of the 1990's, employers were settling for less than qualified candidates because the candidate pool was so small. Job hunters were able to name their price and employers were meeting ...
By psychotherapy May 04, 2003
How much have you thought about parenting styles? How effective is your current style? What would you like to change to make your parenting skills more effective? Before you try to make changes you must ...
By mobd May 02, 2003
Segn el Centro de Selig para el Crecimiento Econmico en la Universidad de Georgia, la capacidad adquisitiva de grupos minoritarios, especificamente afro-americano, asitico e hispano crecer ms rpidamente que esa de americanos blancos - y ...
By fatherfrank April 30, 2003
Parenting is probably the most difficult human enterprise that people might engage in. It is the only full time job that you really cannot be trained for. There are no manuals or degree programs to ...
By transportation April 30, 2003
BY RICH KNUTSON Can we honesty say that we made it through this winter? Going out with a bang as they say. Above 50 degrees for a few days, followed by 5-10 inches of snow ...