Looking to stay up to date about all of the news stories and local headlines that are important to Long Islanders? We've rounded up the top coverage for all of the important topics from multiple sources around Long Island, so you can be sure you've got the most recent update on the top stories for Long Island. Have an idea for a news story? Email us at news@longisland.com
By lisingles April 14, 2003
See when you're with somebody, and you're not in a relationship - but you're more than 'friends' - there is this crazy fine line. You see, I have always been one of those "Get what ...
By careers April 13, 2003
1. Identify your accomplishments before you go on an interview. 2. Don't let your guard down. No matter how friendly the interviewer is, you must always remember that s/she is not your fiend. 3. Answer ...
By soul-mates April 10, 2003
I was talking to group of people at a dinner yesterday and as so often occurs the conversation drifted to our children. These are grown children, with families of their own. And sadly, the discussion ...
By fatherfrank April 10, 2003
A college senior recently expressed tremendous frustration. He is a secondary education major. Next fall he hopes to begin student teaching. This young man's story is somewhat fascinating. He grew up and was educated in ...
By lisingles April 10, 2003
Make it the Pub Crawl! That's right kids, Saturday April 12, 2003 in New York City, Down in the Village you too can be part of the best Pub Crawl of the year. Here's how ...
By travel April 09, 2003
If you want to get in touch with our country's history, one of the best places to do it is Coastal Virginia. The "Old Dominion," site of the first permanent English colony in the United ...
By lisingles April 08, 2003
I hate it. Its Evil, its mean, and downright cruel and inhuman sometimes. I'm talking about the 'Friendship zone'. Its similar to the Twilight Zone, but worse. It's the leperacy of any relationship ability. "You're ...
By lisingles April 08, 2003
I hate it. Its Evil, its mean, and downright cruel and inhuman sometimes. I'm talking about the 'Friendship zone'. Its similar to the Twilight Zone, but worse. It's the leperacy of any relationship ability. "You're ...
By museums April 08, 2003
Can you imagine sailing with your "Captain" husband aboard a whaling ship in the 1800s? What would it be like to go to sea and raise a family on a deep-water merchant ship? If this ...
By fatherfrank April 03, 2003
Every parent's nightmare is a phone call in the middle of the night indicating your son or daughter is unconscious or in a hospital emergency room due to recklessness.
CJ is twenty-eight. Presently, ...
By lisingles April 03, 2003
Ok, so here I am...back in the saddle again. And I know all of you are just DYING to know where to go, what to do. the truth is, similar to what Led Zepplin once ...
By beekeeping April 01, 2003
Someone had written me a letter requesting information about how they might provide homes for swarms of bees of which they were made aware in their area. They weren't interested in becoming beekeepers but they ...
By pharmacist March 30, 2003
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization have received reports of patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) from Canada, China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, Indonesia, ...
By lisingles March 28, 2003
Staind sang it best, and I'm eternally sorry for my absence. Unfortunately due to my own personal hell; know by most of you as life; I haven't updated this page in more than a year. ...
By psychotherapy March 28, 2003
Even though acupuncture has been a practiced Chinese medical treatment for over 4,500 years, in most western cultures it is considered a "new alternative" medicine. Acupuncture is the oldest form of curing still practiced in ...
By babyplanning March 27, 2003
Wow, it's certainly been an awfully long time since my last article was posted here. I have made several attempts but never got to finish. There just isn't enough time in the day or enough ...
By fatherfrank March 25, 2003
A parent alert. A few months ago I received a troubling phone call from a parent on the South Shore. For a little more than a year, I worked with them and their son around ...
By coachingforcareers March 24, 2003
Are you worried about your career? Would you like to stop? The reason many of us worry is that we have a situation in front of us and we are scared that it will not ...
By fatherfrank March 19, 2003
TJ is nineteen. He recently dropped out of college. While he was in high school, he was an above average student and an excellent athlete. Everyone loved him. He was bright, witty and charming.
By Debra Scala Giokas March 18, 2003
The advertising/public relations war has been going on for years. Advertising is a wonderful way to build an image because you can control the message, but of course, you pay for this advantage. Using publicity ...