Looking to stay up to date about all of the news stories and local headlines that are important to Long Islanders? We've rounded up the top coverage for all of the important topics from multiple sources around Long Island, so you can be sure you've got the most recent update on the top stories for Long Island. Have an idea for a news story? Email us at news@longisland.com
By wildbirds January 25, 2003
If you've read this column before, you may already know that birds feet do not stick to metal perches, that feathers are great insulation, and that many migrators do so because their food is gone, ...
By fatherfrank January 24, 2003
As a parent, where do you draw the line and hold your son or daughter accountable for the choices they make?
TK is the youngest son of a large Irish Catholic family. When ...
By diamonds January 24, 2003
Over the years over 20,000 brides and grooms have asked me that question. Often they were told, by presumably well intentioned sales people that they should buy a round or brilliant cut, because it holds ...
By residentialre January 24, 2003
To reduce the cost of heating your home throughout the winter... Install and use an automatic setback thermostat to reduce heating and cooling costs by 5% to 15%. Place reflectors behind radiators to redirect heat ...
By diamonds January 24, 2003
Over the years over 20,000 brides and grooms have asked me that question. Often they were told, by presumably well intentioned sales people that they should buy a round or brilliant cut, because it holds ...
By wedding-rings January 24, 2003
WHICH ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING RINGS SHOULD YOU NOT SIZE? It is a commonly accepted practice that when you find a setting or a wedding ring you want to purchase, the jeweler measure your finger and ...
By soul-mates January 24, 2003
YOU ARE WONDERFUL - WHEN WILL THEY NOTICE ? Recent research The Human Development Company conducted regarding Internet dating has revealed a number of interesting things. Among them is the fact that people describe themselves ...
By smallbusinesscoaching January 24, 2003
We live in a remarkable time; our definitions of communication, entertainment, commerce, workplace, business choices and self are evolving and expanding at a pace unheard of just 5 years ago. Multiply this rate of change ...
By horticulture January 24, 2003
Most people don't think about their plants during the winter months, however it is the best time to plan out any additions or alterations you would like to do. If you can come up with ...
By chef January 23, 2003
Ready for another winter? I'd thought I'd share one of the treasures of winter that us chef's love to get this time of year. SQUASH.There are several different kinds of winter squash and many of ...
By lighthouses January 23, 2003
BY ROBERT G. MULLER East of Plum Island lie two small islands, further extensions of the North Fork of Long Island. The easternmost, and smaller, of these two islands borders The Race, one of the ...
By coachingforcareers January 21, 2003
Having trouble getting what you want in your career these days? Has your negative thinking got you believing that things will never get better? Are you downplaying the role of positive thinking? Your thoughts and ...
By AppreciatingDiversity January 21, 2003
On Martin Luther King Day, some Americans chose to celebrate or simply reflect on key messages from Martin Luther King Jr.--his famous "I have a dream" speech, still echoing in their minds. "Have we made ...
By lifecoaching January 20, 2003
Throughout my career as a business owner, a sales trainer and a business coach, I've noticed a consistent theme in relation to achieving greater levels of success. That is, the people who are extremely productive ...
By bodymindspirit January 18, 2003
The human body is a wonderfully complex arrangement of flesh, blood, bone and electro-magnetic pathways. Technological advancement is a two edged sword. While we derive many wonderful benefits from the advances of the information age, ...
By travel January 14, 2003
Though best known as a world banking center, Switzerland's Zurich is one of Europe's most charming cities, and a place for delectable dining as well. Its compact central district and its scenic location on the ...
By pharmacist January 13, 2003
What Are Kidney Stones? A kidney stone is a hard mass made up of substances excreted by the kidney. Certain substances can form crystals that separate out from the urine and build up ...
By beauty January 13, 2003
Summer is the time to get your gorgeous glow on! If you are like me and don't have the patience or time to sit in the hot baking sun and you know that visiting the ...
By babystuff January 13, 2003
I went to Miracle Maze for the first time with my 4 year old son last week. It's in Rocky Point, on Rt 25. Kudos: It's cute, it's clean, it's empty. It's pretty new so ...
By fatherfrank January 06, 2003
Growing up as the oldest in a relatively large family, you learn early in the journey how to navigate conflict and social harassment. Having a younger brother who was much smaller than me in size ...