Looking to stay up to date about all of the news stories and local headlines that are important to Long Islanders? We've rounded up the top coverage for all of the important topics from multiple sources around Long Island, so you can be sure you've got the most recent update on the top stories for Long Island. Have an idea for a news story? Email us at news@longisland.com
By pharmacist November 23, 2002
Recent upset in the news about all Hormonal Replacement Therapy (HRT) needs to be laid to rest. The Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study was intended to recognize the potential risks and benefits of HRT. A ...
By fatherfrank November 22, 2002
Recently I had a very disturbing conversation with a seventeen-year-old male high school senior. His life has not been a walk in the park. His parents, although together, have not been able to parent their ...
By Stan Wiest November 20, 2002
CUTTING EDGE CREATIVE TRENDS IN WEDDINGS AND WEDDING MUSIC Many creative weddings are getting away from the traditional weddings that have guests constantly being asked to be seated for the next food course. I am ...
By movies November 19, 2002
by Ben Kenigsberg Shot in the style of the 1950s Universal Technicolor weepies of Douglas Sirk, Todd Haynes's Far from Heaven seamlessly re-invents the "women's picture" and then uses ...
By mediarelations November 18, 2002
Understanding how the media works, what makes news and how to make the news can be valuable for any organization. In fact, favorable media exposure can mean recognition in the business community and a higher ...
By AppreciatingDiversity November 18, 2002
Why do we teach "tolerance" when it comes to diversity?
Tolerance is something you have for a pimple showing up on your face the night before a big date. Tolerance is ...
By coachingforcareers November 17, 2002
Are you out of work and looking for a job? Are you unhappy in your current position, and looking for a way out? Do you plan to keep the career you've built, but find yourself ...
By fatherfrank November 15, 2002
Since September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush has made it very clear that our nation will not be bullied by terrorists. He has declared an all out war on terrorism and has urged the ...
By singles November 12, 2002
A Time Machine Can't Change What's Meant To Be By Lauralyn Avallone I recently borrowed a friend's tape of the now defunct WB drama series, Felicity. Since I missed the series finale six months ago, ...
By bodymindspirit November 09, 2002
I was born into a family who considered the medical profession to be virtually infallible. Small wonder given that my father and grandfather were both M.D.s as would my one brother be in his adult ...
By fatherfrank November 07, 2002
Election day has passed. Many political analysts are saying this "mid-term" election was a powerful referendum on the President's agenda. Clearly that is one perspective, but perhaps people across the country have had it with ...
By dogs November 06, 2002
Two years ago, I was lucky. I have a dog, and found a 2 bedroom apartment cheaper than I expected to spend the very first day I looked who would take me and my dog. ...
By lifecoaching November 05, 2002
Business owners and managers are often left feeling frustrated when their staff doesn't perform a task the way they expected. This can be eliminated by sharpening your communication and filling in the gaps that are ...
By wineries November 05, 2002
Story and Photo by Christopher J. Davies The Long Island Wine Industry is proud that one of its own has shined as New York State's "2002 Winery of the Year". At present, Long Island has ...
By singles November 05, 2002
SPEED DATING (for those who can't waste any more time, faster service than Micky D's) By Lauralyn Avallone "I can't go out Friday night, I'm going speed dating," my friend said. What is speed dating? ...
By travel November 04, 2002
My bones are telling me that it's going to be a short fall and that winter will be at us in earnest before we know it. Experience also tells me that the only way to ...
By pharmacist October 30, 2002
What Causes Hot Flashes? The Hot Flash is still not fully understood; researchers have only recently determined that measured hormonal changes take place during a flash. Diminished estrogen levels are somehow responsible, but ...
By fatherfrank October 29, 2002
How do you raise a teenager in a culture that constantly gives mixed messages? We say that children are our national treasure, but we don't treat them that way. We say that family is important, ...
By diversity October 29, 2002
Why do we teach "tolerance?" Tolerance is something you show a pimple showing up on your face the night before a big date. Tolerance is something you show when you lack the assertiveness ...
By diversity October 29, 2002
Why do we teach "tolerance?" Tolerance is something you have for a pimple showing up on your face the night before a big date. Tolerance is something you show when you lack the ...