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Looking to stay up to date about all of the news stories and local headlines that are important to Long Islanders? We've rounded up the top coverage for all of the important topics from multiple sources around Long Island, so you can be sure you've got the most recent update on the top stories for Long Island. Have an idea for a news story? Email us at
By sellingyourhome October 17, 2001
Have you recently or in the past thought about selling your home? It is a decision that can make you nuts. I recently have been running into people who are thinking of their future. They ...
By movies October 14, 2001
by Ben Kenigsberg As a writer-director, David Lynch is like a 10-year-old who starts a jigsaw puzzle, becomes frustrated halfway through, and gives up, leaving all the pieces on the table. I don't ...
By pharmacist October 13, 2001
A CDC Guide to Anthrax... What is anthrax?
Anthrax is an acute infectious di
By ferrets October 13, 2001
"Don't ferrets smell?" That is one of the first questions people ask me when I tell them I keep ferrets as pets. The answer to that question is yes, ferrets do have an odor. All ...
By fatherfrank October 11, 2001
The great debate continues around recreational drug use, misuse and abuse. When is too much - too much? When does a young person cross over the line from experimentation to addiction?
Those questions ...
By beekeeping October 09, 2001
Are your bees growing and expanding or shrinking. It is very difficult to maintain bees at zero growth. Either they are strong and forcing division or dying off. This is especially evident to hobbyist beekeepers ...
By organization October 08, 2001
Anyone who has worked in a sales organization has heard the adage; top salespeople don't make the best sales managers.
You often hear this lament from sales executives who have seen top salespeople ...
By lisingles October 07, 2001
So the time has come for us to get back into the swing of things. For many reasons it makes perfect sense, and yet seems so odd at the same time. I've done my part ...
By childwriting October 05, 2001
Character Heroes and Villains are a challenge to say the least. A Hero is always the Main Character. A Villain is always a secondary Character who works off of the Hero. The Hero relates to ...
By transportation October 04, 2001
BY RICH KNUTSON I am going to try as best I can to keep up with the constant changes that are happening with our road, rail and waterways around our Island. As most of you ...
By careercoaching October 04, 2001
"To succeed, a company needs a robust strategy vigorously executed. Strategy is the cerebral side of success. The other side is hands-on implementation of strategy. Implementation puts a premium on a responsive organization and its ...
By fatherfrank October 04, 2001
Teenage violence is on the rise everywhere. What does a parent do if their teenage son is physically violent in their home? How much violence is enough? Where do you draw the line? These are ...
By travel October 03, 2001
One of the victims of the World Trade Center tragedy has been New York City's tourism industry. Along with the downturn in airline traffic, the Big Apple's hotels, theaters, and restaurants are all feeling the ...
By pharmacist October 02, 2001
WASHINGTON, Oct 01 (Reuters Health) - Parents and doctors should avoid childhood vaccines containing thimerosol, even though there is no hard evidence connecting the mercury-containing preservative to autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders,
By movies October 01, 2001
by Ben Kenigsberg Zoolander is a comedy about an incredibly dim-witted male model who only has one pose. Derek Zoolander, the model in question, is played by Ben Stiller, ...
By careers September 27, 2001
Professional resume writers and career counselors have banded together to volunteer their services to people who have lost their jobs as an immediate result of the recent national tragedy.
People who ...
By fatherfrank September 26, 2001
Since Tuesday, September 11, 2001, our world as we know it has changed. We will never look at things the same. Most of us grew up believing that we as Americans were invincible. We believed ...
By horticulture September 25, 2001
Fall is upon us and it is time to think about putting our landscapes to bed for the winter. One thing that you may notice, and this is a common concern at this time of ...
By pharmacist September 24, 2001
Whether a result of accelerated cell turnover or due to fungus, these conditions can b ...
By lisingles September 24, 2001
Well all, first off Hello again, and sorry for not writting in awhile. I recently moved back in to my parents house and had very little time to set it up, work, and still enjoy ...