Debbi lives in St. James, which she describes as “a modern-day Mayberry” – a small town where parades down Lake Avenue are not uncommon, and she regularly runs into my PTA mom friends the local grocery store. She has a passion for staying connected online via social media, and reconnecting with old friends. She provides Long Islanders with her parenting insights, as well as Top 10 Articles featuring the best of what LI has to offer.
Debbi can be reached at
By Debbi Spiegel April 08, 2023
You know that your kids will utter those dreaded words, "I'm bored!"
By Debbi Spiegel March 24, 2023
Over 400 bird species make their homes on Long Island!
By Debbi Spiegel August 30, 2013
Tips to stay healthy this school year!
By Debbi Spiegel August 27, 2013
Producing small batches of beer lets a microbrewery specialize in unique types of beers.
By Debbi Spiegel August 24, 2013
It's the time of year that parents love and kids loathe!
By Debbi Spiegel August 23, 2013
The first day of school is a milestone, and photos are the best way to capture those memories.
By Debbi Spiegel August 21, 2013
We have the antidote for the “woulda, coulda, shouldas”: the Summer Bucket List.
By Debbi Spiegel August 20, 2013
Holiday foods are sweet symbolizing our desire to have a sweet New Year.
By Debbi Spiegel August 17, 2013
The countdown to the first day of school has started!
By Debbi Spiegel August 14, 2013
There is no sport more American than baseball!
By Debbi Spiegel August 13, 2013
Lefty's celebrate their right to be left-handed.
By Debbi Spiegel August 10, 2013
The 1st day of school is less than a month away.