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Looking for the best things happening right now on Long Island? Whether it's holiday cheer, seasonal fun, or a big special event, we've got you covered with the inside information on all of the great events happening around Long Island.
By Debbi Spiegel April 23, 2013
Prom is the most prominent formal event for every junior and senior!
By Amanda Ognibene April 23, 2013
The annual Long Island Restaurant Week is approaching and it is a culinary event too delectable to miss! If you have been waiting to try a new cuisine, or return to an old favorite, this ...
By Wendy L April 22, 2013
Check out this week's savings, offers and deals, including Earth Day specials!
By Debbi Spiegel April 20, 2013
Celebrate Earth Day 2013 with these freebies.
By Vickie Moller April 19, 2013
Hurricane Sandy and Winter Storm Nemo are behind us, and the plows that moved tons of snow have been retired for the season.
By Debbi Spiegel April 18, 2013
Earth Day aims to inspire awareness of and appreciation for earth's environment.
By Wendy L April 18, 2013
Don't miss out on this weekend's wine event, dinner comedy shows and much more!
By Debbi Spiegel April 17, 2013
Long Island parents may find their children hearing about the tragedy and find themselves in a difficult discussion.
By Debbi Spiegel April 12, 2013
What better way to bring in the new season, than a trip to a state park?
By Wendy L April 11, 2013
Get ready for a weekend complete with festivals, performances, shows and even a benefit casino night!
By Debbi Spiegel April 09, 2013
Do you have spring fever today?
By Wendy L April 08, 2013
It's Hamptons Restaurant Week! See what other events and entertainment is in store on Long Island this week!
By Wendy L April 04, 2013
Enjoy a weekend complete with festivals, shows, music and more!
By Debbi Spiegel April 03, 2013
It's time to settle up with Uncle Sam!
By Robert Ottone March 30, 2013
The STAR program, which provided to relief to many post-Hurricane Sandy, is being changed to better reduce fraud.
By Debbi Spiegel March 29, 2013
Family vacations are the best times and create the most lasting memories.
By Wendy L March 28, 2013
Looking for things to do this Easter weekend? Check out the hot spots on Long Island, including family-friendly Easter events, comedies, dinners and more!
By Debbi Spiegel March 22, 2013
Earth Hour 2013 will take place tomorrow from 8:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m.