Looking for the best things happening right now on Long Island? Whether it's holiday cheer, seasonal fun, or a big special event, we've got you covered with the inside information on all of the great events happening around Long Island.
By Debbi Spiegel December 21, 2012
Today is the last day of school for the year 2012 for children all across Long Island. It is a time to reflect.
By Debbi Spiegel December 19, 2012
As the nation mourns the death of 20 children and the six educators who died protecting them, Long Islanders are looking for ways to do something for the victims and their families.
By Amy Gernon December 18, 2012
Across the country and around the world, people will be walking for 27 minutes on Friday morning, one minute to honor the memory of each of the victims of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary.
By Debbi Spiegel December 18, 2012
Leave the hard work to the professionals so you can sit back and relax and savor the delicious, already-prepared feast.
By Vickie Moller December 17, 2012
Once again, it's time to make plans to ring in the New Year--and Long Island is one of the best places to celebrate in style!
By Debbi Spiegel December 15, 2012
Great last minute ideas for procrastinators!
By Amy Gernon December 13, 2012
Follow these fire and safety tips for your Christmas tree and make sure that your holiday season is warm and merry, and completely hazard free!
By Debbi Spiegel December 12, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012 is the last time the month, day and year will all be the same number.
By Debbi Spiegel December 11, 2012
It is going to get cold tonight and start feeling like December. Time to get the fireplace going.
By Amy Gernon December 10, 2012
From now until New Year's Day the Suffolk County Sheriff's Office will be enhancing its enforcement of handicapped parking restrictions.
By Debbi Spiegel December 08, 2012
A great winter activity is outdoor ice skating.
By Debbi Spiegel December 07, 2012
Family can be frustrating! Here's my guide to surviving the relatives and being a good guest.
By Debbi Spiegel December 05, 2012
Grab your gloves, your ropes, your coat and go find the perfect Christmas Tree! An expedition to a Christmas Tree Farm is fun for the whole family.
By Debbi Spiegel December 04, 2012
Menorah lightings to mark the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah all across Long Island.
By Debbi Spiegel December 01, 2012
Santa Claus is not only coming to town, he’ll be all around town this December.
By Debbi Spiegel November 30, 2012
Superstorm Sandy devastated so much of our Island. Now we can add the February break to the list.
By Debbi Spiegel November 28, 2012
The holiday season is a great time to make a donation to those in need.
By Chelsea Triola November 28, 2012
The Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree was put up on November 14th, and is now ready to be lit for the world to see!
By Debbi Spiegel November 27, 2012
Bundle up and grab a cup of hot cocoa to watch local illumination ceremonies!
By Robert Ottone November 26, 2012
The Occupy Sandy movement looks to provide aid to those affected by hurricane Sandy.