Looking for the best things happening right now on Long Island? Whether it's holiday cheer, seasonal fun, or a big special event, we've got you covered with the inside information on all of the great events happening around Long Island.
By Hannah M. January 05, 2012
As I summoned up the courage to visualize what the upcoming year holds for both myself and my daughter, my gaze fell on an adorable angel situated on my shelf emblazoned with the inspirational words ...
By Hannah M. January 04, 2012
I began preparing for the holidays on Thanksgiving night with a 10 PM shopping trip at Tanger Outlets. I did not stop shopping until Christmas Eve, and left no toy store unturned.
By Hannah M. December 30, 2011
Tip 1 – Bring help. If you have more than one child and you do not have help...turn back. Turn back now!
By Hannah M. December 29, 2011
Many of us are making New Year’s Eve preparations - buying fancy dresses, killer heels, slick shirts; getting glitzed and glammed for the wild festivities that will bring in 2012. And as tradition will have ...
By Vickie Moller December 26, 2011
By Hannah M. December 22, 2011
Pet owners spend a whopping $40 billion on their furry friends each year. That’s enough to buy a gallon of gas for every man, woman and child in the United States … 44 times.
By Hannah M. December 21, 2011
While catapulting from store to store in order to purchase that just so perfect gift for that special someone, take a moment to reflect on the spiritual meaning of Christmas. I did.
By Cait Russell December 20, 2011
This holiday season, as you celebrate with your family, take a moment to remember that there are less fortunate families who live right here on Long Island that are in need of assistance.
By Cait Russell December 19, 2011
We sat down with famed Long Island author Joe Troiano and got the scoop on his wonderful collection of children's books!
By Long Island December 15, 2011
This Year's Holiday Light Show is Better Than Ever This Year!
By Vickie Moller December 13, 2011
American Airpower Museum Hosts Memorial Event Marking the 70th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day
By Vickie Moller December 01, 2011
Remembering & Honoring Our Fallen Heroes
By Cait Russell November 23, 2011
As we head into the holiday season, this Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, marks the beginning of the chaotic Holiday Shopping Season. For some, this day is a fun family tradition of bonding that marks ...
By Long Island November 08, 2011
When my eyes fixed on the month of November on the wall calendar, I automatically groaned aloud when I noticed the two days blocked off the calendar this week. I’m quite sure that I ...
By Vickie Moller November 01, 2011
Covering 765 square miles from Riverhead to Wyandanch, a staff of nine full-time employees and hundreds of volunteers working at nine locations are by providing food, clothing, hope, and encouragement to the homeless and the ...
By Long Island October 27, 2011
Eek! Halloween is just around the corner. If you are anything like me, I have only just begun the process of shopping for that perfect costume, and assortment of decorations with which to ...
By Cait Russell October 24, 2011
As the end of October is quickly approaching, everyone has at least one thing to look forward to: Halloween.
By Evelyn Ortiz October 20, 2011
As a monument in Washington is erected in his honor, we look back, and reflect on the life, hard work, and beliefs of an American Hero.
By Long Island October 10, 2011
When I first heard the name “Maniac Pumpkin Carvers” I wasn’t hopeful. I pictured a group of deranged Halloween enthusiasts more taken with the spirit of the holiday than the art of pumpkin carving. ...
By Long Island October 05, 2011
Halloween is that eagerly anticipated yearly tradition that I and especially the small fry look forward to and engage in with unbridled enthusiasm. Surprisingly enough, it was not originally celebrated the way that it ...