Long Island Travel & Local Attractions News Coverage

Weather Alert  

ELEVATED RISK FOR FIRE SPREAD SATURDAY The combination of low relative humidity values near 30 percent and northwest winds gusting 30 to 35 mph will create an elevated risk for fire spread across the region on Saturday. Exercise caution handling any potential ignition sources, including machinery, cigarettes, and matches. Any fires that ignite will have the potential to spread quickly. This forecast considered meteorological, fuel, and land conditions, and has been developed in coordination with NY, NJ, and CT fire and land management officials.




If you're from out of town, or simply looking to learn more about the local attractions on Long Island, then you'll never want to miss out on any of our Travel & Local Attractions articles. Filled with guides and pointers for traveling on Long Island, this section has everything you'll want to know about where to go on Long Island.



  • Kelly Tenny
    Kelly Tenny is a native Long Islander began writing for LongIsland.com in the Spring of 2014. She received her ...
  • Wendy Lau
    Wendy Lau is a native New Yorker. She currently covers the Hot Spots & Night Life section's "Weekly Watch" ...
  • Brian Re
    Brian Re is a native Long Islander who graduated with a B.F.A. in Communication Arts from New York Institute ...
  • Chelsea Triola
    Chelsea attended St. Joseph's College with a Major in English and a concentration in Journalism, and plans on returning ...

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