Weather Alert  

Special Weather Statement issued December 21 at 10:02AM EST by NWS Upton NY Areas of 2 to 5 inches of snow have been reported across northeast New Jersey, NYC, Western Long Island, the Lower Hudson Valley, and parts of western Connecticut. Wind gusts may peak around 30-35 mph this afternoon and may persist into the early evening before weakening early tonight. Conditions during this time are expected to lead to blowing snow already on the ground. This can lead to quickly reduced visibilities on roadways. Any untreated surfaces may remain snow- covered and icy into this evening, leading to hazardous driving conditions. Leave plenty of space between you and other drivers and drive at reduced speeds.

Falkenberg Farah

Last logged in 1 year, 4 months ago

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Quem se beneficia aqui são os candidatos e calouros que se matricularem por aqui na Unopar, cumprindo os requisitos do programa. O legal é que se trata de uma faculdade semipresencial, que nada mais é que uma graduação que mescla as atividades presenciais com as virtuais. Por ser uma modalidade EAD, os valores são mais em conta se comparado ao totalmente presencial. <

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