Dynasty Cafe

Weather Alert  

ELEVATED THREAT OF WILDFIRE SPREAD TODAY The combination of unseasonably warm temperatures, west winds gusting 25 to 30 mph, minimum relative humidity values of 30 to 40 percent, and low fuel moisture will create an elevated risk of wildfire growth and spread today. A backdoor cold front will move across the area later this afternoon, working from eastern Long Island early this afternoon into the city and Lower Hudson Valley by early this evening. Much cooler air and scattered showers will move into the area decreasing the threat. Exercise caution handling any potential ignition sources, including machinery, cigarettes, and matches. Any fires that ignite under these conditions have the potential to spread quickly. This forecast considers meteorological, fuel, and land conditions and was developed in coordination with state fire and land management officials.

Dynasty Cafe

1895 Union Blvd
Bay Shore, NY
Phone: (631) 665-9747

Dynasty Cafe in Bay Shore emulates the quintessential midwest diner.



  • Family Friendly, Take Out

Hours Not Specified

Contact Info

1895 Union Blvd
Bay Shore, NY 11706
(631) 665-9747



Nov 29th, 2012 12:04 PM

Dynasty Cafe service is awesome and the people who work here are very nice. I had a pleasant time with our friends.

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