Hunan Taste Restaurant

Hunan Taste Restaurant

3 Northern Blvd
Greenvale, NY
Phone: (516) 621-6616

Hunan Taste Restaurant provides full service and a complete menu packed with delicious examples of Hunan cuisine.



  • Family Friendly, Romantic Dining Restaurants, Take Out

Hours Not Specified

Contact Info

3 Northern Blvd
Greenvale, NY 11548
(516) 621-6616
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Over Exaggerated Chinese Restaurant

Over Exaggerated Chinese Restaurant

May 27th, 2015 06:05 PM

I have been to many Chinese food restaurants that serve a variety of dishes, I live in Old Westbury and I'd rather go to a Chinese Restaurant in the middle of Brooklyn or P.F. Changs than eat at Hunan. Secondly, they are very rude over the phone.



Dec 23rd, 2012 11:18 AM

Hunan Taste is more romantic than any other Chinese restaurant I have visited. They have a very large menu and the atmosphere is very relaxing and romantic.

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