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Tomatoes Stuffed with Scrambled Eggs and Crabmeat

Chef admin | Restaurant

An un-likely combination that makes a very like-able dish.

  • Serves: 4
  • Vegetarian: ---
  • Preparation Time: 30 minutes
  • Cusine: ---
  • Difficulty: ---
  • Meal Type: ---
  • Main Ingredient: ---
  • Dish Type: Fish and Seafood
  • Main Cooking Method: ---
  • Season/Occasion: ---
  • Recipe


    • 1 med. head Boston lettuce
      1/4 tsp. ground Black pepper
      1/2 tsp. Salt
      2 tbsp. Salad oil
      6 lg. Eggs
      1 tblsp. dry Sherry
      3 tblsp. Olive oil
      8 oz. fresh lump Crab Meat
      1/4 lb. mixed Baby greens
      2 tblsp. Red wine vinegar
      1 tsp. Sugar
      1 tblsp. Dijon mustard
      4 med. Tomatoes


    1. 1) Pick over crabmeat to remove any pieces of shell or cartilage. Set aside.

      2) In large bowl, with wire whisk or fork, beat olive oil, vinegar, mustard, sugar, and pepper until mixture is blended. Tear Boston lettuce into dressing; add baby greens. Gently toss greens with dressing.

      3) With tomatoes stem-end down, cut each tomato into 5 or 6 wedges, being careful not to cut all the way through. Line 4 dinner plates with tossed greens. Place a tomato on each salad plate. Spread tomato wedges open like a flower.

      4) In medium bowl, beat eggs, sherry, and salt until blended. Stir in crabmeat, but do not break up into too fine pieces.

      5) In nonstick 10-inch skillet over high heat, heat salad oil until very hot. Pour in crab mixture and cook, stirring quickly and constantly, until eggs are set. Spoon crab mixture into tomatoes.

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