Sushi 1 Restaurant

Sushi 1 Restaurant

210 Mill Road
Westhampton Beach, NY
Phone: (631) 288-5096

A favorite amongst Westhampton locals, this restaurant can get pretty busy at times, but if you come in for a meal you'll understand why.



  • Family Friendly, Take Out

Hours Not Specified

Contact Info

210 Mill Road
Westhampton Beach, NY 11978
(631) 288-5096
Visit Website

Not for those in a hurry

Not for those in a hurry

Apr 17th, 2013 10:10 AM

My sister and I stopped in here while we were out shopping for lunch. They were so busy that we could not believe it. If you are in a hurry do not come here, since they are so busy it takes quite a while to be served. But it truly was worth wait.

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