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Showing 341-346 of 346 results for Levittown

  • Resource

    Long Island Zip Codes

    With more people utilizing GPS Devices in lieu of maps, having the correct Zip Code for your destination is more valuable than ever before. With dozens of towns, hamlets, and villages on Long Island, many of which have similar names, ...

  • Resource

    Long Island School Closures for Wednesday, March 15th, 2017

    A heavy snow fell in West Islip. Photo by Staffer. Despite the fact that snowfall totals were nowhere near as high as originally feared, most schools around Long Island closed for the storm that hit the region on Tuesday, ...

  • Resource

    Famous Long Islanders - The Scoop on Celebs Hailing from LI

    (from top left to right) Billy Joel, Bill O'Reilly, LL Cool J, and Debbie Gibson. (from bottom left to right) Billy Crystal, Mariah Carey, and Lara Spencer. Photo credits indicated below with each Famous Long Islander.   Many Long Islanders ...