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Solar and renewable energy is rapidly growing in popularity and accessibility. Solar energy uses sunlight to produce a home or business’s energy needs. Solar panels are used to collect the sun’s rays to be converted into electricity. Converting existing buildings to solar energy can be costly, but there are other renewable energy sources. Wind energy, geothermal energy, hydropower, and biomass are other types of renewable energy that are becoming increasingly accessible. Energy providers are increasingly supplementing their traditional electrical energy sources with these renewable energy sources. Individual homeowners can use wind energy and solar energy to cut their energy costs.Read More Solar and renewable energy is rapidly growing in popularity and accessibility. Solar energy uses sunlight to produce a home or business’s energy needs. Solar panels are used to collect the sun’s rays to be converted into electricity. Converting existing buildings to solar energy can be costly, but there are other renewable energy sources. Wind energy, geothermal energy, hydropower, and biomass are other types of renewable energy that are becoming increasingly accessible. Energy providers are increasingly supplementing their traditional electrical energy sources with these renewable energy sources. Individual homeowners can use wind energy and solar energy to cut their energy costs. Show Less
30 Corporate Drive
in Holtsville
81 Scudder Avenue
in Northport
375 Pearsall Ave
in Cedarhurst
630 Broadway Avenue
in Holbrook
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