Weather Alert  

Special Weather Statement issued December 27 at 10:28PM EST by NWS Upton NY A brief period of freezing rain is possible with the onset of rain between 1am and 4am. Temperatures have radiated into the upper 20s to 32 F this evening under clear skies and calm winds. Temperatures are likely to rise just above freezing in most areas by the time of rainfall onset as cloud cover quickly increases. Ground temperatures though, may still linger around freezing in spots through 5am, causing patchy icing of untreated surfaces. Motorists are advised to slow down and use caution traveling tonight, and be alert for patchy black ice, particularly on elevated roadways.

Kokholm Bell

Last logged in 1 month, 4 weeks ago

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超棒的小说 全職法師- 2770.第2752章 携带三大图腾 後浪推前浪 地上天宮 展示-p1

小說 - 全職法師 - 全职法师
2770.第2752章 携带三大图腾 不謀同辭 沾衣欲溼杏花雨
唐月看着莫凡離去, 不怕略喪失, 還是煙消雲散跟上去。
“嗯, 俺們會找到華軍首的。”唐月也重重的點了拍板。

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